The buzz

April 24th 2021

Banging on

    People who are staying the course with this supercalifraj' tale of mine fall broadly into two camps. I could boringly explain, but it is better explained by a short and funny email from my friend, Ron. With his permission, here it is.

Hey, Harry, Now hold on there! Re the previous Episode, Veronica wants to know:
•Where'd the pink sweater girl get to?
•Why did handsome protagonist get hit in the head by (maybe) gypsies?
•Who are those chubby eye-patch guys?
•Why are they all smiling like that?
•How did we get here anyway, from the animals?
•And last but not least, where can V get one of those Ascot hats (great for wearing to the movies)?
Ron, on the other hand is much more patient and is willing to wait and speculate as to how the story will develop.
Don't keep us waiting.   Cheers, Ron

    My reply (which I haven't yet sent) is as follows: Ron, thank you for your understanding, and Veronica, please listen to the wisdom of your husband.    

(return now to S2_Episode3)