Feb 10th 2022
The Big Hold Up
If you’ve followed (or tried to follow) ark2020, you may have noticed the two months of nothingness. What is going on? Or not going on? And why?
Well, finally, getting down to updating and reorganizing a lot of old digital files, I opened an on-the-verge-of-obsolete hard-drive from 2002 (in fact, it was well-obsolete but I was able to open it) and found a story there that I’d forgotten having written. I opened it up (mistake #1), I read it (mistake #2), I started re-writing it (!) and I’ve been writing ever since: obsession - can’t stop.
But, big epiphany last week: this is what happens: I work like crazy on whatever it is, become disenchanted and move on to the next wonder, like Mr.Toad, until, lo and behold, I rediscover the abandoned project, open it up and so on. Big Cycle. It’s not an epiphany, I’ve known for years how I operate and apparently I just don’t care enough.
I could do with some discipline, the kind imposed upon peeps who have to work at a naf job for a scant living, but I don’t fancy that either.
Sorry about that, eager readers. Here we go again. This winds up Episode 6 of Series 2.