Nov 25th 2020
The first picture of Episode6 took me eight? nine? ten? days to complete! I didn't quite know what I was doing. I knew what I wanted, sort-of, a setting we're all familiar with in the consumer society: the sterile and synthetic mall, filled with chain-stores: Disney this; T-Mobile that; The Gap...where nothing is for free except the occasional row of seats, but no communal areas for social things to happen, no arm of the Public Library letting peeps access the internet, even borrow a DVD, a book(!), no balloon vendors, no entertainers, no homeless (let 'em brave the elements outside on the depleted High Street). Of couse, as is often the case when I've said it, communal areas will now start popping up all over the place in malls—if only to bring a little cheer to the 50% closed-down store fronts (from COVID-19 and recession and stuff), you'll see. Anyway, Happy Black Friday, traders. Return and continue Episode6